Inspired Learning Blog
A little encouragement, a reminder that “You’ve Got This!”, and helpful tools to lighten your workload.
- Short and sweet
- Helpful and meaningful
- Inspired and inspiring

Start of school got you stressed out? 3 Ways to Lighten Up!
“Our aim is not only to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize,but so to touch his imagination as to

A Peek Into the Future: Making a Long-range Difference for Your Students
“…we must know how to call to the man which lies dormant within the soul of the child.” Maria Montessori,The Advanced Montessori Method,previously Spontaneous Activity in Education This one’s for you, new

The 3-Period Lesson: Does It Exist in Elementary?
“I give very few lessons on how to give lessons…” Maria Montessori, as quoted in Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, by E.M. Standing ©

Want to Connect with Your Cosmic Task?
I’ve just finished up a short course on Cosmic Education with a group of adults unfamiliar with the Montessori elementary program. Before the course, these

Summer Learning…Naturally!
In the northern hemisphere, it’s nearly summertime. The “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” feel like sweet respite after this year of coming back to

Stepping out of the busy-ness
[The Teacher] must first love and understand the universe. She must therefore prepare herself and work at it.” Maria Montessori, From Childhood to Adolescence pg. 20 Are you