Inspired Learning Blog
A little encouragement, a reminder that “You’ve Got This!”, and helpful tools to lighten your workload.
- Short and sweet
- Helpful and meaningful
- Inspired and inspiring

Learning to Trust While Making Steady Progress
“ ‘Courage, my dear, courage! … Go on triumphantly. I am here to help you.’ This kind of encouragement is instinctive in those who love

Auto-Education: Too risky for older students? Will students learn only what they want
and not what they need to know?
“It is therefore necessary that the environment should contain the means of auto-education” Dr. Maria Montessori, The Advanced Montessori Method – I (1918/1991) p. 57

3-Hour Work Cycle? You’ve GOT to be kidding!
“…when the cycle is completed…refreshed and satisfied, he experiences the higher social impulses…” -Dr. Maria Montessori, The Advanced Montessori Method – I (1918/1991) pg. 76

Trust the Children; Set Them Free
“It is a psychic necessity that the child explores the environment; it satisfies his spirit.” Maria Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures p. 134 When I

Five Super-simple ways to embrace “Learning for Life”
“He does not climb on chairs in order to sit on them, but just for the sake of climbing.” Maria Montessori The 1946 London Lectures,

Are you “ensuring harmony” and creating “an ever-better world” in your Montessori life?
“The purpose of life is to obey the hidden command which ensures harmony among all and creates an ever better world.” ― Maria Montessori, The