Inspired Learning Blog
A little encouragement, a reminder that “You’ve Got This!”, and helpful tools to lighten your workload.
- Short and sweet
- Helpful and meaningful
- Inspired and inspiring

The Virtues that Guide our Practice
“Not words, but virtues, are her main qualifications.” Dr. Maria Montessori, ‘The Discovery of the Child’, Clio Press Ltd, 151 If these words were Dr.

Becoming a successful Montessori practitioner takes time, patience, and guidance!
Wait a minute, Claudia…Why “Montessori PRACTITIONER”? Why didn’t you say Montessori teacher or Montessori guide? That’s a great question and I’d ask you to take

Be Who You Are…but Get $#@! Done!
Tips for the Start of the School Year
“You see things along the way and stop to look more closely.” I had to look at his face to see if that was an

Are Micro-fears Managing Your Day?
This reflection is about fear, specifically the tiny fears that shape our daily decision-making and choices, forcing us to maintain habits we’d like to change

Be the Learner
I was all prepared to launch into a Springtime series on flowers with some fun freebies that will have your children wanting to become botanists!

Best Teacher Preparation Course? Dr. M Says Study Yourself
“The real preparation for education is a study of one’s self. The training of the teacher who is to help life is something far more