Cosmic Education

Blog posts related to Cosmic Education

Conquest, Colonization, Culture and Consciousness

“History should not be taught as a collection of dates and places. But rather be approached to arouse gratitude and appreciation. This gratitude should be aroused first to the law and order of the universe and the preparation of the environment into which human beings came.” Maria Montessori Approaching an American holiday with troubled roots …

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Inspired by Montessori? Turns Out, It’s Science!

“It should be realized that genuine interest cannot be forced. Therefore, all methods of education, based on centres of interest, which have been chosen by adults, are wrong. Moreover, these centres of interest are superfluous, for the child is interested in everything… A global vision of cosmic events fascinates the child and his interest will …

Inspired by Montessori? Turns Out, It’s Science! Read More »

Want to Connect with Your Cosmic Task? 

I’ve just finished up a short course on Cosmic Education with a group of adults unfamiliar with the Montessori elementary program. Before the course, these adults had little experience with the concept that is so significant in the development of elementary-aged children: Cosmic Education. Their newfound appreciation for the impact Cosmic Education could have on …

Want to Connect with Your Cosmic Task?  Read More »

Trust the Children; Set Them Free

 “It is a psychic necessity that the child explores the environment; it satisfies his spirit.” Maria Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures p. 134  When I faced a group of engaged Montessori students for the first time, I was flabbergasted! I’d never witnessed such enthusiasm, curiosity, and all-out abandon. They embraced the musical experience my quintet …

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Montessori Secondary: The Bridge to Triumphant (Young) Adults

“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.” Dr. Maria Montessori | Education and Peace Maria Montessori didn’t leave secondary guides a lot to …

Montessori Secondary: The Bridge to Triumphant (Young) Adults Read More »

Cosmic Education: What the World Needs Now

Cosmic Education: Maria Montessori’s signature contribution to elementary-age education. Cosmic Education is a vision intended to serve humanity in harmony. In Cosmic Education, Montessori saw the possibility of creating not only a new human being, but also a new world. We need that vision reborn in our lives, and we need it now.  Cosmic Education …

Cosmic Education: What the World Needs Now Read More »

Montessori Cosmic Education: Must You Follow a Set Curriculum and Have Shelves of Materials? PART 2

“We can make the human race better by assisting the child in building his character and acquiring his moral freedom. One of the means to this end is a cosmic education, which gives the child an orientation and a guidance in life. For this education wants to prepare the growing child for the task awaiting …

Montessori Cosmic Education: Must You Follow a Set Curriculum and Have Shelves of Materials? PART 2 Read More »

Montessori Cosmic Education: Must You Follow a Set Curriculum and Have Shelves of Materials? PART 1

The secret of success is found to lie in the right use of imagination in awakening interest, and the stimulation of seeds of interest already sown by attractive literary and pictorial material, but all correlated to a central idea, of greatly ennobling inspiration – the Cosmic Plan in which all, consciously or unconsciously, serve the …

Montessori Cosmic Education: Must You Follow a Set Curriculum and Have Shelves of Materials? PART 1 Read More »