The Adult

Blog related to the Adult

Start of school got you stressed out? 3 Ways to Lighten Up!

“Our aim is not only to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize,but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core.” Maria Montessori, To Educate the Human Potential, P. 11 Do you love the start of a new school year? The anticipation of a new …

Start of school got you stressed out? 3 Ways to Lighten Up! Read More »

Stepping out of the busy-ness 

[The Teacher] must first love and understand the universe. She must therefore prepare herself and work at it.” Maria Montessori, From Childhood to Adolescence pg. 20 Are you plagued by the articles about the danger of being too busy? Just try Google-ing “the danger of being too busy” and you’ll be inundated with warnings of the health and …

Stepping out of the busy-ness  Read More »

Five Super-simple ways to embrace “Learning for Life” 

“He does not climb on chairs in order to sit on them, but just for the sake of climbing.” Maria Montessori The 1946 London Lectures, p. 114 Meandering through a day-to-day existence of “to do lists” and “purpose-driven activity” how much time can we set aside for “doing” for the sake of “doing” or “being” …

Five Super-simple ways to embrace “Learning for Life”  Read More »

Are you “ensuring harmony” and creating “an ever-better world” in your Montessori life?

“The purpose of life is to obey the hidden command which ensures harmony among all and creates an ever better world.” ― Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind “I’ve had enough!” “I can’t take this anymore.” “Something has got to change, or I’m outta here!” Ever felt this way? Said those words? C’mon admit it! Haven’t we all…. …

Are you “ensuring harmony” and creating “an ever-better world” in your Montessori life? Read More »

Finding One’s Voice…At Any Age!

“We must give him the means and encourage him. ‘Courage, my dear, courage!” Maria Montessori – The 1946 London Lectures It was often a topic of conversation amongst my Montessori colleagues: at least part of the “means and encouragement” was to help the child find their voice. This included learning to speak in front of …

Finding One’s Voice…At Any Age! Read More »

 Help or Hindrance? Aid or Obstacle? — Which are you? 

It is necessary for the teacher to guide the child without letting him feel her presence too much so that she may always be ready to supply the desired help, but may never be the obstacle between the child and his experience. Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook, “Freedom” First Published: 1914 Maria Montessori faced obstacles…many of …

 Help or Hindrance? Aid or Obstacle? — Which are you?  Read More »

The Virtues that Guide our Practice

“Not words, but virtues, are her main qualifications.” Dr. Maria Montessori, ‘The Discovery of the Child’, Clio Press Ltd, 151 If these words were Dr. Montessori’s only directions, we teachers might feel mighty free to make up those virtues on our own. But of course, Dr. M wouldn’t leave us without some guidance, so the …

The Virtues that Guide our Practice Read More »

Becoming a successful Montessori practitioner takes time, patience, and guidance!

Wait a minute, Claudia…Why “Montessori PRACTITIONER”? Why didn’t you say Montessori teacher or Montessori guide? That’s a great question and I’d ask you to take a look at that term: “practitioner.” By definition, a practitioner is “a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession”. Well that certainly fits!  As a reader of this …

Becoming a successful Montessori practitioner takes time, patience, and guidance! Read More »

Be Who You Are…but Get $#@! Done!
Tips for the Start of the School Year

“You see things along the way and stop to look more closely.” I had to look at his face to see if that was an acknowledgement or something else. It was acknowledgement. Appreciation. It was also right on. Beach Walk Collections Beach Walk Collections I’m probably not the person you’d want along on a hike …

Be Who You Are…but Get $#@! Done!
Tips for the Start of the School Year
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